Choosing an inverter can be a confusing and overwhelming task for those who are not familiar with the technology. The inverter, as the core component of the system, plays a crucial role in determining its effectiveness. Hence, it's imperative to make a prudent selection of an inverter.

Inverter Power

The inverter power size you need depends on the total load power. If your total load is 5 KW, it's recommended to have an inverter with a power size of 6 to 7.5 KW (1.2 to 1.5 times the total load power). 

However, for inductive loads like motors, air conditioners, or water pumps, the inverter must be 2.5 to 3 times the total power of the inductive load, as these loads have high surge power when starting. For instance, if you have a three-phase 10 KW pump with an additional non-inductive load of 2.5 KW, it's best to choose a 25 to 30 KW three-phase inverter.

"Single-MPPT" OR "Multiple-MPPT"

If the roof orientation is the same (the same orientation of the modules), Single-MPPT can be used; if the roof orientation is inconsistent (the modules have different orientations or different numbers), use Multiple-MPPT tracking.

"Voltage Match" OR "Power Match"

Important note: Inverter specifications vary among manufacturers, and even inverters with the same capacity can have different output voltage levels. When selecting an inverter, it's crucial to consider the grid voltage requirements rather than just the capacity.

If the power grid is a 220V single-phase power, choose a single-phase grid-connected inverter. If the power grid is 380V three-phase power, you can opt for a single-phase one that connects between a live wire and a neutral wire, or a three-phase inverter with a 380V output. If the grid voltage is high voltage (6KV or 10KV), a transformer must be installed between the inverter and the grid connection point. In areas with a grid voltage of 110V, a transformer is necessary to match the grid voltage.

Shadow Scan Function

To minimize shadow occlusion, clean up weeds and dust, and correct unreasonable design such as house occlusion or small component spacing. Many inverters come equipped with a shadow scanning function that can boost power generation in cases of occlusion. However, it's important to note that despite the shadow scanning function, shadow occlusion can still result in significant power loss for the photovoltaic system.

"Grid-Connected" OR "Off-Grid"

A standard grid-connected photovoltaic system only provides "grid-connected electricity." In case of a power outage, the grid-connected system will not function. If the customer requires electricity during this time, they need to choose an "off-grid inverter" or "hybrid inverter." The most common operating modes of the hybrid inverter are:

a. Default mode: During the day when the photovoltaic power is ample, the load is satisfied first, and any excess power is stored in the battery for later use.

b. Off-grid mode: When there's no power from the grid or it's not connected, all loads are powered by the off-grid end (back-up) of the energy storage system.

c. Economy mode: Different periods of time are set for buying and selling electricity, based on the fluctuations in grid prices, and the battery can be charged during low grid price periods.

In conclusion, choosing the right inverter requires careful consideration of your energy needs, the type of inverter, input voltage, efficiency, and price. By taking the time to consider these factors, you can ensure that you are choosing an inverter that will provide you with reliable and efficient energy conversion for years to come.

Lithium Valley is dedicated to delivering comprehensive energy storage system solutions. Whether you require an inverter or other energy storage solutions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team of experts will work closely with you to create a customized solution tailored to meet your unique needs.


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